Documentation 61th IATA DGR 2020

Dangerous Goods check list / Documentation 61th IATA DGR 2020

Addendum to the 61st Edition

The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) manual is the global reference for shipping dangerous goods by air and the only standard recognized by airlines. IATA is “THE” industry standard for shipping dangerous goods by air. The IATA DGR is the most complete, up-to-date, and user-friendly reference manual trusted by the industry for over 50 years. Whether you’re a shipper, manufacturer, freight forwarder, ground handler, or airline, the IATA Book will keep you up to date with all the latest regulations, providing all the information you need.

Effective from 1st January 2020

– A global reference for shipping dangerous goods by air, and the only standard recognized by the global Airline industry.
– Everything you need to prepare dangerous goods shipments in compliance with international air transport regulations.
– The industry’s most trustworthy cargo sources to help you classify, pack, mark, label, document shipments of dangerous goods, and ensure they are safe to travel.

The 61st edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations incorporates all amendments made by the IATA Dangerous Goods Board and includes addenda issued by ICAO to the content of the 2019-2020 edition of the Technical Instructions.

Users of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations are asked to note the following amendments and corrections to the 61st Edition, effective from 1 January 2020.

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Guidelines DGSA Annual Report EASA

Guidelines DGSA Annual Report EASA

According to sub‐sections of the European Agreements ADR, RID and ADN, the Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser (hereinafter “DGSA”) has the duty to prepare an annual report to the management of his undertaking or to a local public authority, as appropriate, on the undertakings of their activities in the carriage of dangerous goods. ADR, RID and ADN do not specify the content of the annual report; some parties who are contracted to ADR, RID and ADN have specifications in their national legislation. EASA is of the opinion that it may be valuable for the DGSA to have a template for an annual report. In consequence EASA has created a template which respects and harmonises what is requested by the dangerous goods associations in the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

This template reflects the DGSA’s duties according to sub‐sections of the ADR, RID and ADN, and it contains what is considered by EASA to be the minimum content of a DGSA’s annual report.

The annual report is addressed to the management of the undertaking; as a consequence the DGSA’s annual report should enable management to determine whether the dangerous goods of their undertaking are being dealt with in a manner that is compliant with ADR, RID and ADN.

An annual report should cover a period of twelve months, although there is no necessity for this period to be identical to a calendar year, i.e. January to December.

The boxes 1 to 9 of the template are self‐explanatory and simple to use.

Fonte: EASA European Association of dangerous goods Safety Advisers

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La Relazione annuale ADR proposta dall’EASA

La Relazione annuale ADR proposta dall’EASA

L’EASA European Association of dangerous goods Safety Advisers, ha predisposto nel 2016 un modello di Relazione annuale ADR.

La proposta di modello per la relazione annuale del DGSA è stata inviata all’UNECE nel 2016 (ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/142, item 41).

In allegato Modello e Documento di ricezione UNECE.

Guidelines for Preparing the DGSA Annual Report Introduction According to sub‐sections of the European Agreements ADR, RID and ADN, the Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser (hereinafter “DGSA”) has the duty to prepare an annual report to the management of his undertaking or to a local public authority, as appropriate, on the undertakings of their activities in the carriage of dangerous goods. ADR, RID and ADN do not specify the content of the annual report; some parties who are contracted to ADR, RID and ADN have specifications in their national legislation. EASA is of the opinion that it may be valuable for the DGSA to have a template for an annual report. In consequence EASA has created a template which respects and harmonises what is requested by the dangerous goods associations in the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

This template reflects the DGSA’s duties according to sub‐sections of the ADR, RID and ADN, and it contains what is considered by EASA to be the minimum content of a DGSA’s annual report.

The annual report is addressed to the management of the undertaking; as a consequence the DGSA’s annual report should enable management to determine whether the dangerous goods of their undertaking are being dealt with in a manner that is compliant with ADR, RID and ADN.

An annual report should cover a period of twelve months, although there is no necessity for this period to be identical to a calendar year, i.e. January to December.

The boxes 1 to 9 of the template are self‐explanatory and simple to use.

Fonte: EASA European Association of dangerous goods Safety Advisers

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EN 14564:2019 Tanks for transport of dangerous goods – Terminology

EN 14564:2019 Tanks for transport of dangerous goods – Terminology

This document provides additional terms and definitions to those written in the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) or the Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID), appearing as Appendix C to the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF).

This document forms part of series of documents prepared by CEN/TC 296 regarding the transport of dangerous goods. The series supports the proper application of the ADR and RID. This document is applicable to tanks used for the transport of dangerous goods.

This document does not apply to carriage in bulk of dangerous goods. For convenience, Annex A (informative) repeats some horizontal definitions taken from ADR 2017 chapter 1.2, and Annex B (informative) repeats some definitions from ADR 2017 chapter 6.7, specific to portable tanks. NOTE The ADR is updated on a regular basis, therefore Annexes A and B might become out of date. Annexes C, D and E (informative) provide alphabetical trilingual indexes of terms in English, French and German where the key is English, French and German respectively. Annex F (normative) is a schematic diagram of tank openings and closures according to the tank code

Download EN 14564:2019 Preview

UNI EN 14564:2019 Cisterne trasporto di merci pericolose – Terminologia

UNI EN 14564:2019 Cisterne trasporto di merci pericolose – Terminologia

UNI EN 14564:2019 – La norma si applica alle cisterne utilizzate per il trasporto di merci pericolose e fornisce termini e definizioni aggiuntivi a quelli scritti nell’accordo europeo relativo al Trasporto Internazionale di Merci Pericolose su Strada (ADR) o alle regolamentazioni relative al Trasporto Internazionale di Merci Pericolose per Ferrovia (RID).

Data entrata in vigore: 14 novembre 2019

Recepisce: EN 14564:2019

Sostituisce: UNI EN 14564:2013

Download EN 14564:2019 Preview

GHS Rev. 8 July 2019

GHS Rev. 8 Luglio 2019 (Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals)

Sistema mondiale armonizzato di classificazione ed etichettatura delle sostanze chimiche (GHS): Ottava edizione riveduta

Il GHS affronta la classificazione delle sostanze chimiche per i tipi di pericolo e vuole armonizzare tali tipi di pericoli, comprese etichette e schede di sicurezza.

Esso mira a garantire che le informazioni sui rischi fisici e la tossicità da sostanze chimiche siano le migliori possibili per l a tutela della salute umana e l’ambiente durante la manipolazione, trasporto e uso.

Il GHS fornisce anche una base per l’armonizzazione di norme e regolamenti sulle sostanze chimiche a livello nazionale, regionale e mondiale.

Questa ottava edizione rivista del GHS contiene varie disposizioni nuove o rivedute, tra cui, tra l’altro:

[alert]- nuovi criteri di classificazione, elementi di comunicazione dei pericoli, logiche decisionali e indicazioni per le sostanze chimiche sotto pressione;
– nuove disposizioni per l’uso di dati in vitro/ex vivo e metodi non sperimentali per valutare la corrosione e l’irritazione cutanea;
– emendamenti vari per chiarire i criteri di classificazione per la tossicità specifica per organi bersaglio;
– dichiarazioni precauzionali riviste e ulteriormente razionalizzate e una revisione editoriale delle sezioni 2 e 3 dell’allegato 3;
– nuovi esempi di pittogrammi precauzionali per trasmettere la frase precauzionale “Tenere fuori dalla portata dei bambini”;
– un nuovo esempio nell’allegato 7 relativo all’etichettatura di set o kit; e
– guida per l’identificazione dei pericoli di esplosione della polvere e la necessità di valutazione dei rischi, prevenzione, mitigazione e comunicazione dei pericoli.[/alert]

Fonte: UNECE 2019

Download GHS Rev. 8

UN Model Regulations 21A Revised edition (2019)

UN Model Regulations 21A Revised edition (2019)

At its ninth session (7 December 2018), the Committee adopted a set of amendments to the Model Regulations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, concerning, inter alia, electric storage systems (including lithium batteries installed in cargo transport units and defective batteries), explosives, infectious waste of Category A, waste gas cartridges, harmonization with the 2018 Edition of IAEA’s Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, listing of dangerous goods, update of LC50 values for some toxic gases and use of in vitro skin corrosion methods for classification.

This twenty-first revised edition of the Recommendations takes account of all the amendments which were circulated as document ST/SG/AC.10/46/Add.1.

Volume I (EN/FR)

Volume I (EN/FR)

Official UN publications can also be obtained through the UN Bookshop and official distributors.

Fonte: UNECE


Consulente DG: Raccolta Quiz esame ADR 2019

Consulente DG: Raccolta Quiz esame ADR 2019

Aggiornamento ADR 2019

La Direzione Generale per la Motorizzazione ha predisposto dei quiz aggiornati con l’ARD/RID 2019, per i candidati che si accingono a sostenere l’esame per il conseguimento o il rinnovo del certificato di formazione professionale di consulente per la sicurezza del trasporto di merci pericolose.

Tali quiz rappresentano materiale in sede di esame per il conseguimento/rinnovo del suddetto certificato, fermo restando che le Commissioni di esame nella loro autonomia possono predisporre dei propri quiz.

Edizione 2019

1. Quiz ADR/RID 2019
2. Studi dei casi 2019

Elaborato Adobe portfolio
Certifico S.r.l. – IT  Settembre 2019

Vedi Quiz Consulente ADR 2019

Guidance duties Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser (DGSA)

Guidance on the duties of a Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser (DGSA)

This guidance is intended to inform Dangerous Goods Safety Advisers (DGSAs) and those undertakings which need to appoint a DGSA, about the roles and responsibilities of a DGSA. A DGSA has specific duties under the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR), which will be detailed in this document. An undertaking may need to appoint a DGSA if it is involved in the following activities:

– Consigning dangerous goods for transport including, including as appropriate, loading, packing and filling (consignors).
– Operation of road vehicles carrying dangerous goods, including as appropriate, packing, loading, filling and unloading (carriers).

The ADR specifies the responsibilities of a Safety Adviser in Chapter 1.8.3 The core responsibilities of a Safety Adviser are as follows:

– Advising undertakings on the safe transport of dangerous goods by road.
– Monitoring the undertakings compliance with dangerous goods regulations.
– Preparing an annual report about the activities of the undertaking related to the transport dangerous goods.
– Investigating any accidents or infringements of regulations and preparing reports.
– Monitoring the provision of training and advice to any staff involved in the transport of dangerous goods.

The duties of those who accept the appointment of DGSA for an undertaking are mandatory. A DGSA or employer does not have the discretion to “cherry pick” the duties or roles which they must observe and fulfil. The role of a DGSA is such that fulfilling the responsibilities as detailed in the ADR attracts a legal duty of care for the DGSA. A regulatory body or competent authority in any of the EU or non-EU member states who are signatories to the ADR may require the identity of the DGSA acting for an undertaking. It is your duty as an undertaking involved in the carriage, loading or unloading of dangerous goods, or as an appointed DGSA, to comply in a timely fashion with any lawful request of any such regulatory body.

HSA 2015

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GHS Rev.8 (2019) Preview

GHS Rev.8 (2019)

On 18 March 2019, the Committee of Experts on TDG and GHS of the UNECE has published approved amendments to the seventh revised edition of UN GHS purple book. These changes are going to be included in the 8th edition of UN GHS purple book (GHS rev. 8) to be published in July 2019. In this article we will summarize what the main new changes are.

Change of classification criteria for aerosols, hazard communication elements; new provisions for the use of in vitro/ex vivo data and non-test methods to assess skin corrosion and skin irritation; miscellaneous amendments to clarify the classification criteria for Specific Target Organ Toxicity; revised and further rationalized precautionary statements and an editorial revision of Sections 2 and 3 of Annex 3; new examples of precautionary pictograms to convey the precautionary statement “Keep out reach of children”; a new example in Annex 7 addressing labelling of sets or kits; guidance on the identification of dust explosion hazards and the need for risk assessment, prevention, mitigation, and hazard communication.

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Remove the word “European” from the title of the ADR

Remove the word “European” from the title of the ADR

A protocol of amendment to remove the word “European” from the title of the ADR was adopted by a Conference of the Parties to the Agreement on Monday 13 May 2019.

The amendment shall enter into force for all Parties to the Agreement on 1 January 2021.

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